Spicy Sweet Barbecued Shrimp

I still refuse to turn on my oven or stove in this heat and at this point I am so hot that I can’t stand eating anything too heavy… Making this barbecue shrimp recipe the perfect topper for this simple kale salad. 

I use uncooked, shelled and deveined shrimp. I recently discovered my boyfriend refuses to cook uncooked shrimp… which doesn’t make sense to me. I thought you only bought the pink shrimp (cooked) to dip in cocktail sauce… but he has been cooking with them his whole adult life (and I can only imagine over cooking them too.) Do you guys cook with pre-cooked shrimp? If so, how are they not over cooked and rubbery?  

Anyways back to this recipe. The salad is really simple just some chopped Kale, avocado, shaved carrots and for the dressing – Olive oil, lemon and salt + pepper.

All the flavor comes from these spicy sweet barbecued shrimp. 


  • 16 frozen or fresh shrimp  
  • 2 small cloves of garlic 
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of sriracha 
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil 
  • salt + pepper

Step 1. If you are barbecuing your shrimps using wooden skewers, soak them in water. At the same time if you are using frozen shrimp, defrost them by running them under lukewarm water. Turn your Barbecue on to pre-heat it.

Step 2. Using a microplane grate 2 small cloves of garlic into a bowl. Add in honey, sriracha, lemon juice, olive oil and salt + pepper. Mix it together.

Step 3. Once your shrimp are defrosted, pat them dry and put them on the skewers. ~ I like to puncture them through the the tail and top to really secure them.

Step 4.  Spread the spicy sweet sauce all over your shrimp. 

Step 5.  Place them on the barbecue (medium temperature) after 2 minutes turn them over and cook for another 2 minutes until they are no longer blue. They will shrivel up a little bit, but if you cook them for too long they will shrink too much and become rubbery.

Top them on your salad and enjoy this simple summer salad 🙂 

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