Are Beyond Meat Products worth the hype?

Right off the bat, one thing needs to be made clear; Beyond Meat is not a healthy alternative, it’s an environmental and ethical alternative. 

The nutritional facts for the Beyond Burger for example are relatively the same as a beef burger. You aren’t eating these products to be healthier, you’re eating them because you don’t eat meat or are trying to eat less meat.

If you wanted a healthier alternative go for a turkey or veggie burger. Or a salad… or anything other than a burger.

I am not a vegan or vegetarian but I am aware of my impact on the world and how reducing my meat intake matters. So I’m always trying to find new ways to adjust my animal product recipes. Beyond Meat now how several products that make it easy to substitute meat for their meatless products. I’ve tried the Beyond Burger, the Beyond Beef and the Beyond Sausages, and I’m happy to say they are worth the hype.

Beyond Burger: 

I hate that the beyond burger only comes in packs of two. Understandably the majority of people who are purchasing these products are younger, not feeding a family and couldn’t afford more than 2 at a time. But I just think it’s wasteful to only package two when you can keep them in the freezer.

Just two patties cost $6- $7 depending on where you’re buying them from. 

When you first open the packaging, you can smell the yeast. This really turns me off every time I have them. I have a sensitive sense of smell and I hate the smell of yeast. Once I get a whiff I have a hard time shaking the smell, which really ruins the whole thing for me. 

But when someone else cooks them for me and I don’t stick my nose in it, I think these are a great alternative to beef burgers. Eating them plain isn’t as delicious as real beef but when you dress your burger with all your favorite toppings, it’s hard to tell you aren’t eating beef. 

Beyond Beef: 

This frozen beef crumble is great in a spaghetti meat sauce or anywhere that you would use ground beef or turkey/chicken. I recently made a loaded eggplant with it, adding my own seasoning on top and it was delicious! Find the recipe to that here. 

It’s a little bit chewier then real meat, but knowing that it isn’t an animal product makes the chewiness much more manageable. 

I would highly suggest trying this in your favorite ground meat recipe and see how it turns out, and please let me know the recipe! 

Beyond Sausages: 

I love sausages, but I never buy them because they gross me out. I vaguely know how they are made and thinking about it makes me gag. So when I saw the beyond sausages, I prayed they would be decent. THEY ARE AMAZING! 

I personally cook them on the bbq with a light layer of bbq sauce on top and I can’t get enough. They have made their way into my weekly grocery store purchases. They are around $9 for 4 of them and I can eat 2 in 1 sitting. Not a cheap protein choice but they are such a delicious alternative to an otherwise suspicious meat sac so… I say they are worth the money. 

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