Sole steamed in Parchment Paper

This recipe is fish, asparagus and Shiitake mushrooms all steamed together in a cute little parchment pouch. It was perfect! Perfectly cook, all the flavors blended together beautifully.

The recipe originally called for flounder, but when I couldn’t find any at my grocery store I googled and realized that it’s super unsustainable- so like the wanna be Martha Stewart I am, I opted for the more sustainable option of Sole.

Another realization I had during this recipe – the steams of shiitake mushrooms are inedible. I wasn’t going to try eating one to see what the definition of “inedible” is in this case and just trusted the internet on this one.

Anyways, this recipe is so delicious and doesn’t require 4 bowls and 5 pans to cook, just some parchment paper and a baking sheet. It’s a lazy girl dream.

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