Tomato Soup Cake

WTF is a Tomato Soup Cake you might ask. I’m still not sure and to make matters worst it was actually AMAZING! I couldn’t fully enjoy the perfect fluffiness it had or the perfect spice flavor that was perfectly matched by the cream cheese frosting, but by boyfriend did exclaim “OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST CAKE I’VE EVER HAD!”

Granted he says that about most food – Obviously he isn’t picky.

If you light a spiced cake this is a great choice. I believe that most cakes made of vegetables (carrot, zucchini loafs and I want to say there is some type of bean loaf out there) tend to be spiced cakes. In my head that just means that the spices are used to cover up the original flavor of the veggie and trick you into thinking it works.

I have been successfully tricked. This cake is great. Try it for yourself and let me know what you think 🙂

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